Basic Data Types:
Numeric Types:
int: Integers (whole numbers)
float: Floating-point numbers (numbers with decimal points)
complex: Complex numbers (numbers with real and imaginary parts)
Boolean Type:
bool: Represents True or False values
Sequence Types:
str: Strings (sequences of characters)
list: Lists (ordered, mutable collections of items)
tuple: Tuples (ordered, immutable collections of items)
Set Types:
set: Sets (unordered, mutable collections of unique items)
frozenset: Frozen Sets (unordered, immutable collections of unique items)
Mapping Type:
dict: Dictionaries (unordered collections of key-value pairs)
Other Data Types:
NoneType: Represents the absence of a value (the None object)
bytes: Immutable sequence of bytes
bytearray: Mutable sequence of bytes
range: Represents a sequence of numbers
enumerate: An iterator that yields pairs of indices and values
zip: An iterator that aggregates elements from multiple iterables
object: The base class for all Python objects