
Shallow copy and Deep copy using MemberwiseClone

This is basically the concept of creating the copy of an object. Sometimes you required to create a clone of an object then you can either achieve by using ICloneable interface or you can directly use MemberwiseClone() with ‘this’ keyword inside the method declaration in original class.

Shallow copy and Deep copy both are basically do similar things; copying ‘Value type’ member bit by bit. But when you have reference type in your original class then the difference between both comes into the light.

Herer is what happens with reference type when using MemberwiseClone() method-

Shallow copy copies don’t copy the reference to new memory but it create a new reference pointing to the same member object of original class. Its don’t create new memory to copy the object. See below diagram. Here 'm' is original object and 'm2' is its shallow copy.

Reference type created by Shallow copy is still pointing to parent(Original) member object.

Deep copy copies not only copies the value types but also provide new memory object with new reference for reference type member in the new copy class. See below diagram. Here 'm' is the same parent object and 'm3' is its deep copy.

Below is the code example how we can achieve Shallow Copy and Deep Copy of an object in C# using MemberwiseClone() method -

public class Job


    public string job = "";

    public string Department = "";

    public override string ToString()


        return "My job is - " + this.job + " in department " + this.Department;



public class MyClass


    public string name = "";

    public Job myjob;

    public MyClass ShallowCopy()


        return (MyClass)this.MemberwiseClone();


    public MyClass DeepCopy()


        MyClass temp = (MyClass)this.MemberwiseClone();

        //Creating a new memory for the object and setting same values from the original

        temp.myjob = new Job { Department = this.myjob.Department, job = this.myjob.job };

        return temp;



class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        MyClass m = new MyClass(); = "Amit";

        m.myjob = new Job { Department = "IT", job = "Developer" };

        MyClass m2 = m.ShallowCopy(); = "Sunil";

        Console.WriteLine("m2 is taking Shallow copy of m");

        Console.WriteLine("m.value = " + +" and " +m.myjob);

        Console.WriteLine("m2.value = " + + " and " + m2.myjob);

        m.myjob.Department = "Architecture";

        Console.WriteLine("m2.value = " + + " and " + m2.myjob);

        Console.WriteLine("m.value = " + + " and " + m.myjob);


        Console.WriteLine("m3 is taking Deep copy of m");

        MyClass m3 = m.DeepCopy(); // m3 will persist the departement as Architecture = "Sunil";

        m.myjob.Department = "IT"; // Here we're changing the Original m's member object to IT

        Console.WriteLine("m.value = " + + " and " + m.myjob);

        Console.WriteLine("m3.value = " + + " and " + m3.myjob);

        Console.WriteLine("m2.value = " + + " and " + m3.myjob);

        Console.WriteLine("m.value = " + + " and " + m.myjob);

